I have no idea how these other girls can stay on top of their blogs. As you can see I don't make it here very often. It's not like my life is not busy, it is. I always have my hand in something.
As you know one of my projects is the rermodeling/repurposing of my husbands old office actually our small middle bedroom room, my new sewing - crafting - computer surfing - office room ( by the way I need a name for this hideaway). My hubby now has his man cave which he really needs he has much more junk, oops I mean treasures than I one corner of his cave is his office the other corner is his model train play station one corner is the video area and the last corner has to be used for my vitrine, (china cabinet). So his room is full,just as mine is. Hopefully I will be finished here soon and be able to post my pictures but until then.
Stay tuned I will try to remember to write here on my blog soon.
to keep you busy.