Sunday, August 5, 2012

Saturday's Surprise

Saturday August 4th the little town I live in sponsored the Dog Days of Summer Event with Contest and a parade and as you I'm sure guessed it was all about dogs. So I entered my little girl in it. This event was held to raise money for the downtown renovations a worthy cause.

As I said I entered my little girl Princess Snowball in 2 of the contest, Cutest Dog and Cutest Costume. I am so please to say she won 1st place in cutest costume. Now being her mommy I think she should have won both but Cutest Dog went to Lord Byron so at least Royalty still reigns.

This is a picture from a couple of years ago on her throne in her Crown

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Believing Receiving

These last two weeks were stressful. but had to keep the old chin up so that everyone would stay calm. My Husband was told at his yearly physical that the EKG and stress test showed he had a problem in his heart. We were worried but we tried to hand it to the Lord.  Much prayer was going up. Today David had to go to the hospital for a heart cath where they shoot a dye into the heart to look for blockages. Even the Doctor was amazed that there was nothing there that his heart was normal. At home now resting and recooping. I'm now having a hard time keeping him still. Its hard to keep an old dog down.
I Love this Man!